Sunday 6 November 2016

Mathematics In Nature

     Living things body or some parts of body structure in the form of spirals, symmetry and fractal are example of presence of mathematics in nature.

Mathematics in human Physiology
Mathematics in Nature
Mathematics in Human Face
Mathematics & Nature
Mathematics in Nature
Mathematics Presence in Nature

     According to a gynecologist research at the University Hospital in Belgium, doctors can tell whether a uterus is healthy based on its dimensions – dimensions that approximate the golden ratio.

     Humans possess bilateral symmetry. The research suggests a person’s symmetry is of paramount importance when determining physical attraction.

     Studies have shown that mouths and noses are positioned at golden sections of the distance between the eyes and the bottom of the chin. The most beautiful smiles are those in which central incisors are 1.618 wider than the lateral incisors, which are 1.618 wider than canines, and so on.

Key Highlights:
Mathematics presence in nature
Decoding mathematics present in nature
प्रकृति में गणित का योगदान

Other Interesting Readings:

Mathematics and Art

     Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. Mathematics has itself been described as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics is embedded in arts such as music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and textiles. Mathematics and art have a long historical relationship. Artists have used mathematics since the 5th century BC. Golden ratio has been used in ancient art and architecture. Mathematics has inspired textile arts such as knitting, stitch, embroidery, weaving. Mathematics has directly influenced art such as analysis of symmetry.
Mathematics and Art
Mathematics & Art

     The golden ratio is invented by mathematician Euclid. Several pyramids and temples have been made using golden ratio in the floor plan. The astronomer Galileo Galilei wrote that "The universe is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures. Mathematicians interpret and analyses art through the lens of geometry and rationality.

     Mathematics is present in many arts, such as music, dance, painting, architecture, and sculpture. Each of these is richly associated with mathematics.

Key Highlights:
What is mathematics contribution in art?
What is relation between mathematics and art?
गणित का कला में योगदान

Other Interesting Readings:

Saturday 5 November 2016

Mathematics Unknown Belief

     It is more like a psychological question than a mathematical one. Few lists of unknown facts of mathematics are given below.

  1. Pi is equal to 22/7 (Pi = 22/7).

  • Pi = 22/7 is an approximation.
  • The actual pi is an irrational number.
  • So it cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.
  • Pi is in fact less than 22/7

Key Highlights:
What is unknown mathematics?
What is less known mathematics?
अनजान गणित

Other Interesting Readings:

World Without Math

     We do not want to live in a world, where mathematics is not present. Mathematics is a tool that provides analysis of things in a scientific way. Mathematics provides explanation of events, its cause and effects with number crunching.
World Without Mathematics
World & Mathematics

     World without mathematics will bring mankind in dark age. Human civilizations have progressed with the advancement of mathematics. All other branch such as economics, electronics, astronomy, biology etc. are directly dependent on mathematics.

     In a world without mathematics, human civilization will be lost and we as a human will not be different than animal.

     If mathematics cease to exist, then it will be like living in no man's land. Many of our belief will be shaken and shattered. we will start counting with help of stone. Modearn electronics gadget will turn into garbage. Whole world be chaotic and unorganised.

     Now we are so much accustomed to the mathematical world that we think these mathematical and scientific world were always there. If future of mathematics is not progressing then it will be like living in a world without mathematics for us. Without mathematics is just like going to stone age and start reinventing the wheel again from scratch.

Key Highlights:
What will be world without mathematics?
गणित के बगैर संसार

Other Interesting Readings:

Math Mystry

Famous mathematical mysteries are given below.

  1. Shinichi Mochizuki proof of abc conjecture. But no mathematician has been able to verify his work. Today it can not be said whether Mochizuki’s proof is right or wrong.

  2. Kaprekar's constant 6174.

Key Highlights:
What is math mystery?
What is mysterious math?
रहस्मयी गणित