Sunday, 6 November 2016

Lost Mathematics

     History of mathematics is since mankind came out of cave age. Certain assumptions of mathematics keeps changing over time. But progress of mathematics has never been stopped. Old assumptions are validated with new concepts and ideas. But Concept of Mathematics has never been lost.

Lost Math

     No one is father of mathematics. Mathematics has contribution from different countries and civilizations. Some time its progress is slow and some times its progress is exponential.

     One idea is validated by many branches of mathematics. Mathematical progress is very dynamic and random since time immemorial.

     Followings are brief description of examples of lost mathematics work in past.

  1. Math will be lost if company maintain them does not exists.

  2. It has happened in past and will also happen in future.

  3. Archimedes (ca. 287-212 BC) description of 13 Archimedean solids which was mentioned by Pappus was in past and it was Kepler (1619) who discover it again known as 13 semiregular polyhedra.

  4. Ramanujan lost diary had many new discoveries that are now lost.

  5. The algorithm for calculating FFT, described in Cooley and Tukey's landmark 1969 paper, was known to Gauss and appears among his unpublished works (around 1805).

  6. Archimedes' discovery of (at least parts of) integral calculus was found in a Byzantine manuscript.

  7. The Rogers-Ramanujan identities have a similar story. They were discovered and proved by Leonard James Rogers in 1894 and then promptly forgotten. Later Ramanujan discovered them in 1913.

  8. The number theory work of Fermat is other example. Much of Fermat number theory work was rediscovered later by Euler. This includes Fermat's two-square theorem: It was first mentioned by Fermat as a theorem in a 1640 letter to Mersenne and also analogous statements about primes numbers of the form x2 + 2x2y2 + 2y2 & x2 + 3y2x2 + 3y2 were made in a 1654 letter to Pascal.

Key Highlights:
Mathematics that is lost
History of lost mathematics
Lost mathematics boon or curse
गम हो गया गणित

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