Sunday, 6 November 2016

Mathematics and Fictions

     Mathematical fictions exists since ancient times. In mathematical fictions visionary philosopher and mathematician express their views about the futures of mathematics. This area now becoming very popular in academics.

Mathematical Fiction
Mathematics & Fiction

     In mathematics whatever was fiction earlier has now become a reality. Followings are some mathematical fictions of past and now a reality today.

  1. Concept of real number and its well established theory.

  2. Concept of imaginary number. 

  3. Concept of calculus and its use in various field. 

  4. Proof of Fermat's last theorem.

  5. Efficient method for calculating prime number.

  6. Number theory and encryption security.

  7. Efficient algorithm and advancement in computation accuracy.

Some important references:
  • Film "A Beautiful Mind", based on life of John Forbes Nash mathematician.
  • The Mathematical Fiction Homepage, maintained by Dr. Alex Kasman of the College of Charleston, - See more at:
  •  Website maintained by Dr. Alex Kasman of the college of Charleston

Key Highlights:
What is mathematical fiction?
How mathematical fiction has helped mankind?
गणित और उपन्यास एवम् उनका योगदान

Lost Mathematics

     History of mathematics is since mankind came out of cave age. Certain assumptions of mathematics keeps changing over time. But progress of mathematics has never been stopped. Old assumptions are validated with new concepts and ideas. But Concept of Mathematics has never been lost.

Lost Math

     No one is father of mathematics. Mathematics has contribution from different countries and civilizations. Some time its progress is slow and some times its progress is exponential.

     One idea is validated by many branches of mathematics. Mathematical progress is very dynamic and random since time immemorial.

     Followings are brief description of examples of lost mathematics work in past.

  1. Math will be lost if company maintain them does not exists.

  2. It has happened in past and will also happen in future.

  3. Archimedes (ca. 287-212 BC) description of 13 Archimedean solids which was mentioned by Pappus was in past and it was Kepler (1619) who discover it again known as 13 semiregular polyhedra.

  4. Ramanujan lost diary had many new discoveries that are now lost.

  5. The algorithm for calculating FFT, described in Cooley and Tukey's landmark 1969 paper, was known to Gauss and appears among his unpublished works (around 1805).

  6. Archimedes' discovery of (at least parts of) integral calculus was found in a Byzantine manuscript.

  7. The Rogers-Ramanujan identities have a similar story. They were discovered and proved by Leonard James Rogers in 1894 and then promptly forgotten. Later Ramanujan discovered them in 1913.

  8. The number theory work of Fermat is other example. Much of Fermat number theory work was rediscovered later by Euler. This includes Fermat's two-square theorem: It was first mentioned by Fermat as a theorem in a 1640 letter to Mersenne and also analogous statements about primes numbers of the form x2 + 2x2y2 + 2y2 & x2 + 3y2x2 + 3y2 were made in a 1654 letter to Pascal.

Key Highlights:
Mathematics that is lost
History of lost mathematics
Lost mathematics boon or curse
गम हो गया गणित

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Mathematics and Humanity

"Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit”------ Stefan Banach

"Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country" ----- David Hilbert

     Mathematics has played a great role in nurturing humanity. Mathematics has provided tools to mankind to do analysis of events with reasoning. Mathematics has helped to prove reasoning with scientific evidence.

Mathematics and Humanity
Mathematics & Humanity
     Correct use of Mathematics is crucial for the progress of humanity. Humanity has flourished with the help of mathematics. Mathematics can be used for betterment of humanity. Followings are some of the example of correlation of mathematics and humanity.

  1. Use mathematics to remove gender biasness. For a post what is probabilities of a woman and man. In an institution, how many men and women get promotion every year?

  2. To reduce death due to home violence.

  3. To calculate chance of outbreak of an disease.

  4. Simulation of success rate of events.

  5. To develop new techniques in mathematics so that new scientific research can be done. This can improve life of human mankind.

Key Highlights:
What is mathematics and humanity relation?
How mathematics has helped humanity?
गणित और मानवता 
मानवता के लिए गणित का योगदान

Mathematics and Science Relationship

“Mathematics is queen of science”---- Carl Friedrich Gauss

Mathematics and Science Relationship
Mathematics & Science

  1. One of the first analyses of the relationship between mathematics and other sciences was done by ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. He mentioned about the interdependence of mathematics and other sciences in his work.

  2. By using statistics, scientists can use data as evidence to either support or dispute scientific theories.

  3. Calculus and differential equations are used to study complex relationships between one property and another in physics.

  4. Science applies both simple and complex mathematical concepts for studying science. Famous example is measurement of amount of chemicals to be used in a solution or figuring out the velocity required in order for the Mars Curiosity to safely land on Mars.

  5. Algebra deals with general statements of relations, uses letters and other symbols to represent different values.  It is used in science to develop formulas to find an unknown value.

  6. Calculus used to find volume and area using complicated surfaces.  It is used in most branches of science to derive answers that cannot be measured directly.

  7. Geometry deals with properties of points, lines, angles, and figures in space. This is very helpful in scientific study.

  8. Trigonometry deals with the relationship between angles and sides.  Used in science to locate events like earthquakes, fires, tsunami, tornado, planets, stars, and many other things that we cannot directly measure.

  9. Euclidean geometry deals with a flat world (stating that parallel lines are always parallel and never intersect).  It is used in measuring things on earth surface.

  10. Riemannian Geometry deals with a spherical world (stating that parallel lines will intersect).  This is used throughout the Universe.

Key Highlights:
What is mathematics and science relationship?
Mathematics contribution in science?
गणित और विज्ञान का सम्बन्ध
गणित का विज्ञान में योगदान

Mathematics of Alien

     Alien's mathematics and our mathematics may be slightly different, but there must be some overlap.

Mathematics and Alien
Alien Life & Mathematics
     Physics law of nature will be same in alien's world. Mathematics is like tool that provides analysis of things in most scientific way. Alien's way of performing mathematics may be slightly different. They may have different ways of proving and stating Pythagoras theorem, but end result will be same. They may have different number system and different ways of performing computation, but end result of mathematical computation will be same as ours.

     What will happen if alien comes in contact with us. It will be really an exciting moments for us. Both humans and alien can benefit with each other's knowledge if both work together for a better world without any conflict. Each of them can gain and exchange knowledge for betterment of this universe.

     Alien's mathematics can be advance or at par with us. This will be interesting to interact with alien's and have access to their way's of interacting with wonder's of this universe.

     Following major benefit to the math may take place when we interact with alien.

  1. Many new branches to both our and alien mathematics will start.

  2. New algorithm and concept will come to existence.

  3. We and alien will be solving each others unsolved mathematical jargon.

  4. we and alien will take benefit of each other mathematics.

Key Highlights:
What is alien mathematics?
Difference between our and alien mathematics
विदेसी संसार के प्राणी का गणित और हमारा गणित
क्या हमारा गणित विदेसी ग्रह के गणित से अलग है

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